The Hidden Spiritual Influences in Your Lifestyle

The Hidden Spiritual Influences in Your Lifestyle We all make a list of new goals and plans. Sometimes we also alter our lifestyle to achieve it. The choices, that lead further toward a complete new Lifestyle. It can be better or good according to one's personal thinking. Have you ever wondered that the choices, you make, could also increase your good or bad spiritual consequences? Well, if not yet, then let's dig into it.   Your choices regarding eating, drinking, and following relationship patterns influence your aura because these choices gravitate toward all kinds of positive and negative energies. Spiritual practitioners claim that all kinds of high and low frequencies already exist within and around all of us and impact our health, age, and many other factors. Our all physical actions influence our spiritual being by attracting attention from light or darkness. Here are the top 5 lifestyle choices that impact our spiritual being and you should immediately take control of

The Fifth Dimension –The World of a True Light

 The 5 D Energy: A TrueLight

The higher dimensions is the fifth dimension. This is the last one of pure light and unconditional love.Physical existence is still possible here. The body is lighter but of a different cellular structure. When the physical body is fully transformed into this structure, there is no pain. There is no fear. It is the plane of unconditional love and abundance. The first time your higher self moves into  the physical body fully & its quite overwhelming. The healing of mental,emotional and the physical means remembering our ownself  which you do not feel the need to interfere or control that flow anymore. In the fifth dimension, all of our actions are based on love has to be completed. Therefore, your higher self will slip in and out for a while until it can move in permanently. You will know when your higher self is integrated, when you do not question the universal flow and simply trust your journey. where we feel the connection to everyone and everything around us, including the holy Source energy. In the fifth dimension, we live in Unity Consciousness, but still recognize ourselves as individuals as part of the whole. In the beginning it feels as if we were disconnected until we get used to this new way of being connected. On this plane, we remember who we truly are and are aware of our eternal soul. We share unconditionally. As there is no fear, there is no aging and no illnesses. We live as long as we want, until we decide to leave the body. This happens smoothly and without any pain.

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Once someone has raised  own frequency into a 5D level, the return to the lower dimensions is not possible anymore, unless the soul chooses it consciously. People in 5D are immune to low frequencies as there is no resonance. They do attract  low frequencies  but only to convert them & and take them  in the light exclusively. We receive information directly from Source and telepathy.The fifth dimension is the dimension of deep trust and an inner knowing that everything is happening perfectly.

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We do not take anything personally anymore from people who are not able to align with that plane yet. We know about their own baggage and journey and do not judge them or blame them but love them unconditionally, as we know they are part of the whole. There is no need for possessions or status, as there is no competition and nothing to compare. Everything becomes an unconditional sharing. We just are. We love ourselves and appreciate our individuality as part of the whole. We know that our needs are always met and we are always taken care of. Gratitude is always present. When we live in 5D permanently we have are in a state of enlightenment. its very much like a heaven on earth because we know that our light shines so bright and can absorbs the  all darkness automatically.

The texts I share are always based on my own intuition and/or on experiences of friends and my own.I encourage everyone to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. Please feel free to share this content as long as you think its worth to spread this Info. Thank you.


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