Interlinked Destiny: The Hidden Power of Human Bonds

Interlinked Destiny: The Hidden Power of Human Bonds Ever wondered how the people you meet and the relationships you form shape your life's path? That's what the idea of "interlinked destiny" is all about. It's a concept suggesting that our lives are connected in ways we might not always see, and these connections can significantly influence our journeys. Let's break it down in a friendly, easy-to-understand way. Recently, I came across an interview with a renowned astrologer whose in-depth insights inspired me to share the fascinating concept of "Interlinked Destiny" with you. Many of us have heard our elders say that certain people bring luck into their lives, along with other similar beliefs. If you find yourself resonating with this idea, you're in for an intriguing read. Let's dive deep into the world of interlinked destinies and explore how our connections shape our paths. 10 Surprising Ways Interlinked Destiny Works in Our Lives We...

Top 10 Surprising Spiritual Facts You May Not Know

Top 10 Surprising Spiritual Facts You May Not Know

In my previous article on Spiritual Awakening, I have written about all the factors which may help you to recognize your inner strength. As we are having many planets retrograde continuously, we are more shifting into the new earth energy. It means more people are becoming spiritually awake on this earth and its important to know some other spiritual facts, which I want to bring into your notice.

If this article seems interesting to you, means you are the one who is either awake or waking up and becoming more interested in spirituality than ever before. Some of us usually find that every time we look around, we see 11:11, 2:22, 3:33 etc. It's an indication that you are aliened in synchronicity of spiritual shift. You are either awake or rising. From this article, I want to assist you with some interesting facts on spiritual ground, that you ought to know. I have experienced many of them and others, I have been taught, read and learned from others. Check these "Top 10 Surprising Spiritual Facts You May Not Know" till now.

white petaled flower near woman eye

  • When a mother is pregnant, spirits make a spiritual aura around her to protect child until the birth. As soon as a baby born, she cries, because of a sudden infusion of spirit in the body and she loses all the memories of her spiritual and past life within the realms. It became a new human now.
  • You have probably felt it many times that your ear rings, or someone is calling your name. This isn’t true, but also not completely wrong. The ringing indicates that something wants your attention. Most of the time it is your own spirit or guardian angels, who want to give you a message. If you are spiritually awake, you could easily decode the message.
  • We all are into a soul contract. Parents, Siblings, Friends and even Enemies are a part of our spiritual contract. When the time for a spirit to come into human being, it chooses all the people by its own in order to complete a mission or a purpose on earth to be achieved. However, not all the missions are good missions, but all are certainly necessary for our growth.
Surprising Spiritual Facts You Did Not Know
  • Some relationship seems painful on a surface level but these are the one which is beneficial to both of the people, no matter how bad that relationship is. Just give a thought, before leaving it, or still while in it, you must have gained something from this relationship that you never had before. Arguments and fights aren’t good but they allow us to introspection for the next phase of your life. Think back, what have you learned from your last relationships? If your answer is nothing, then you haven’t discovered it yet.
  • Surprisingly, but it’s true! Every new born in this world is spiritually older than his/her parents. Actually, these are old souls, who have volunteered to come in and pay their karmic debts to raise their consciousness. That's why we often see some habits or traits like an old person in a baby. So, basically age is just a number!
  • Has it ever happened to you that you look forward for something great and hit your knee on your way downstairs? Or you are really excited about something and hit by a pause? Well, we all have nonphysical guardians and guides to make us stop when something is not going into a right direction or not falling at the correct time. So, never ignore the signs from Universe. Nothing is coincidence in this world.
  • Waiting for your prayer to be answered? Then wait for rain! It is said into a spiritual world that If a person has finished praying or meditating about any issue of their life and notice that it begins to rain, your wish shall be granted. The rain symbolizes blessing and a true affirmation. So, let your blessing touch your skin.
Surprising Spiritual Facts You Did Not Know
  • Do you know, the country Japan will only be in our history books? Why? One solid reason is that the frequency of Japan is too high for the earth, and it is more rising and another reason is its geographical location. There are very few countries in the world considered to be a highly “spiritually charged”. Japan has a vital energy grid with a force field and this will rise them out of the earth. Check the statistics of pandemic effect for surprises.
  • Everybody see dreams, this is a fact. But some of us have a capability to foreseen the future events in our dreams. Actually, many of us think that our dreams are only an illusion or some kind of within feeling, but it's not correct all the time. We are blessed to convert a dream to become real, but it must first be created in the spirit world before it come in our lives.
  • We all have heard these legendary stories where Alice goes down the rabbit hole or Harry Potter and his friends touch a bewitched boot to transform from human world to wizarding world. I know, it’s all fiction but it is real too. The bigger the tree with strong roots, it holds more easy access to other realms. Never disrespect or curse around a tree. These plants are very special & have seen many magic activities happenings in the world.
Did these spiritual facts really surprise you? Have you ever encountered with any of them? If yes, please be grateful and love yourself for these surprises. Always show love and shine with your light. Be blessed and always remember to share your experiences. You never know, who need it the most at this time.
You may like my other Interesting article's at 


  1. Very intriguing and introspective article !!

  2. I came across with few of incidents, thanks for showing me a path! Love and good luck from Canada.

  3. Another Masterstroke from an Angel!!! I wanna let you know..that U.S. loves you very much. Keep writing .

  4. Very interesting to know...and yes, i got goosebumps while reading it.

  5. Beautifully drafted. Keep showing the path.

  6. Very interesting article, So far was thinking dreams are just dreams with no relevance. . Thanks again for lovely article. Keep writing and sharing.

  7. Very interesting!!! 😀😀👍👍

  8. I’ve been reading your blog for a little while now. Just want to say that I truly appreciate the information that you share . Please Continue to teach. blessings to you !
    Love form Netherlands❤️

    1. Thank you very much for the bundle of appreciation and love!

  9. One of the most catchy surprising fact was "Every new born in this world is spiritually older than his/her parents. So basically, age is just a number. " This was super amazing fun fact..! Loved all the drafted spiritual facts in this article. I would love to discuss with you about some texts here in our next coffee catchup. See you soon.. ��

  10. Sure! till enjoy the fact "Age is just a number"!

  11. Very interesting to spiritual Side is awakening after reading your articles..keep your soul mission ON. God bless you!

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    1. Thanks. you can send me your query or message through contact me link!


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