The Hidden Spiritual Influences in Your Lifestyle

The Hidden Spiritual Influences in Your Lifestyle We all make a list of new goals and plans. Sometimes we also alter our lifestyle to achieve it. The choices, that lead further toward a complete new Lifestyle. It can be better or good according to one's personal thinking. Have you ever wondered that the choices, you make, could also increase your good or bad spiritual consequences? Well, if not yet, then let's dig into it.   Your choices regarding eating, drinking, and following relationship patterns influence your aura because these choices gravitate toward all kinds of positive and negative energies. Spiritual practitioners claim that all kinds of high and low frequencies already exist within and around all of us and impact our health, age, and many other factors. Our all physical actions influence our spiritual being by attracting attention from light or darkness. Here are the top 5 lifestyle choices that impact our spiritual being and you should immediately take control of

5 Powerful techniques of Walking Meditation

5 Powerful techniques of Walking Meditation

When we talk about meditation, we likely to have an imagination of a Buddha Pose. A person sitting cross-legged, hands on knees, eyes closed, breathing slowly, and intentionally. Many people think that meditation can only be performed only with a sitting posture. But not everybody likes this style of meditation. Have you ever heard of walking meditation? It has originally come from Buddhism and can be used as part of a healthiest and mindfulness practice.

5 Powerful techniques of Walking Meditation

Well, I love to walk a lot and  do it on a regular basis. Its one of  my profound way to connect with the nature and with my self. The technique of this walking meditation may have many benefits, with that you may feel more connected and balanced. It helps in developing a unique awareness of your surroundings, body, and thoughts. In my this article, I am going to share 5 easy and powerful practices of walking meditation, which can boost your immune system, improve digestion, reduce anxiety, enhance creativity and balance and awaken your soul in an enormous way.

1) A walking meditation has few  specific techniques. It has many different variations  but the main basic steps are very easy and similier to a normal walking.  Find or create a imaginary circle and try to walk on this one time and under this another time at least 10 mins. You may start feeling a sensations in your feet. This technique brings balance and the sense of attention in yourself.

2) We normally walk to get somewhere, but walking meditation is something different from the normal one. In this technique, our breath should be relaxed and natural, arms and hands can rest however they feel comfortable at the sides, now move your hands slowly or rhythmically backwards and forwards or from side to side. This technique brings movement in the life.

3) Another powerful step is to make make a 180-degree turn with your walking pattern by focusing on the movements of your feet with one step at a time. Pause and breathe. With the help of this practice you allow yourself to enjoy every pause of your life and get In-tune with your life again.

5 Powerful techniques of Walking Meditation

4)  Once you are done with these 3 steps, start a back walk for 5 -10 Mins. Try to walk back along the same line and in the same way. It may push you into  your past thoughts or can create an itch on your face, but this is what bring your attention back to the sensations of your feet. This back and forth, and going with the flow walk will help you to revisit your past thoughts and actions into your mind.

5) Last one is walk along with a single line. So, you may choose to practice this technique while going back, where you follow your steps just along with a single line, without dismissing the changing steps. The whole concentration should be on the straight line. This practice may definitely enhances your concentration power and help you to focus on your current life issues.

There are tremendous benefits which you can gain from this walking medication practice. This is a perfect choice for the people who likes to be in motion. The mentioned techniques works best while you brainstorm or thinking during a workout. There isn't a certain set speed for a walking meditation. I suggest don't rush because you are not going to cover a set distance. Generally Some teachers recommend 10 minutes a day and you may increase it as per your stamina. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your earphones, get in-tune with your favorite tune and start walking meditation!!
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