The Power of Closure: What 2025 Has in Store

The Power of Closure: What 2025 Has in Store As we transition into 2025, cosmic beings, we embrace the energy of the number nine in numerology, derived from the sum of 2+0+2+5. Symbolizing the conclusion of a cycle, the number nine invites us to reflect, bring closure, and gracefully complete the projects, dreams, relationships, and aspirations we've cultivated over the past nine years.  While it is possible to begin new endeavors during a 9 Universal Year like 2025, this year’s energy is more aligned with endings, closure, and reflection. The true brilliance and potential of fresh beginnings will likely unfold with greater power in the following year. Let's explore what majors 2025 might offer, focusing on growth, resolution, and transformation This year presents a powerful opportunity to detoxify our lives. It is a time to release relationships that no longer support or align with us, leave jobs that fail to fulfill or nourish us and let go of personal habits that hinder or h...

The Third Dimension of Spiritual Energy (3D Energy)

 In my last article ,I have written about the Spiritual energy that we keep exchanging in this universe. When going through the  process of spiritual awakening, we may confronted with the fact, that there are many more dimensions than the one reality we are living in and that we know We learn about universal energies and its different frequencies and what ascension truly means: An energetic shift from 3D to 5D by raising our frequencies to a much higher level and transmuting low frequencies of fear into unconditional love up to a point where is no fear  and trigger left. . A question that often keeps us busy is how to differentiate between the dimensions To understand the different dimensions & how they work,let's take a closer look at them individually.

shallow focus photo of person's left hand

The first dimension of the energy,in which,most of people spends their life.That is the third Dimension(3D).Lets dig into this a little deeper:

The 3D Energy:The Material World 

The third dimension is all about material and living in fear of losing it again. We fear to lose control. We fear to be secure and to be good enough. We don’t trust people, because they could take our wealth away from us. We also try to control others by securing a position in this world. We define ourselves by what we possess and what we do for a living. We believe to have a faith in God but do not fully surrender ourselves into his power. We believe that death is something painful. We believe that we live only Once.Therefore we think we have to fight hard for our well-being. We think that life is supposed to be a competition to be either a winner or a loser. We think it is okay to lie & cheat, because everyone thinks its fair in the game of in this one Life. We are convinced that we have make always a  right choices about things. 
We believe in certain roles for men and women. Some people have even a idea of  being Men is always have to be a strong provider and fighter and  being women is the weak  and always assigning the role of caretaker. This has been changing with the rising of the feminine during the past decades, but the true nature of masculine and feminine still have not been fully understood. With regards to relationships, we believe that One cannot be whole without another person.  "The EGO" plays a big role in this dimension,where everyone thinks of oneself is a master. We cheat,lie,betray,hurt & undervalue people to prove our conscious right. We don’t see that the only real place to be in is the NOW.

Humans in the third dimension crave physical sex much because that is the only opportunity for them to experience the merging of masculine and feminine energies in a perfect balance. That is the root cause for this desire. In the third dimension, we always have a neediness for a partner to make us feel good & complete. We don’t understand that we can create this wholeness in ourselves.

Energetically, the third dimension is a place of very low vibration and enhances the illusion of separation.Here our Energy centers are blocked,In 3D, we actually think that our life is based on coincidences, as we are not aware of our true identity & become a spiritual being in a physical body, suffering from self-possession .As long as the Ego mind is in the lead ,our heart is closed. The connection to our soul is blocked most of the time. As long as we are cut off, we cannot feel the truth and keeping us away from our true self and in keeping up the illusions. Every time our intuition guides us through and expresses our truth, the Ego shouts out our mind.

We suppress the questions about our purpose, our true origin and our talents and gifts,because everybody else is living according to the same rules.We have been a slaved of our ego mind ,has been programmed with all kinds of false beliefs.The illusion of in the third dimension allows us to experience light and darkness, good and bad, joy and despair, better and worse,Love or fear,Light or darkness.We have all the choices to act as Saints or Demons.As long as we keep choosing fear, we keep repeating our experiences and patterns until we learn to choose love. 

To make a shift into a higher dimension ,we need to correct ourselves will will help us to grow. We do not have to wait until we die to go into the light. We can do that while being in a human body & transform our lives. We come to what the spiritual world would refer to as Enlightenment as our frequency raises significantly.
