The Power of Closure: What 2025 Has in Store

The Power of Closure: What 2025 Has in Store As we transition into 2025, cosmic beings, we embrace the energy of the number nine in numerology, derived from the sum of 2+0+2+5. Symbolizing the conclusion of a cycle, the number nine invites us to reflect, bring closure, and gracefully complete the projects, dreams, relationships, and aspirations we've cultivated over the past nine years.  While it is possible to begin new endeavors during a 9 Universal Year like 2025, this year’s energy is more aligned with endings, closure, and reflection. The true brilliance and potential of fresh beginnings will likely unfold with greater power in the following year. Let's explore what majors 2025 might offer, focusing on growth, resolution, and transformation This year presents a powerful opportunity to detoxify our lives. It is a time to release relationships that no longer support or align with us, leave jobs that fail to fulfill or nourish us and let go of personal habits that hinder or h...

The Spiritual Awakening


Are you feeling different from the last few days? Have you started feeling detached from things or people and lost in yourself? Do you see some dreams, turning into reality? And most importantly, have you lost anything OR a person, who used to be close to your heart?

Well, if you have many YES.... then the Universe has guided you to the right place. You have come into a dimension of reality beyond the confines of the ego.

Yes, You are becoming spiritually awakened!! An awakening that dissolves the illusion that you are separate from oneness. Many of us know it as the third Eye-opening OR kundini awakening.

The Spiritual Awakening
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Almost everyone has the capacity for spiritual awakening and enlightenment. In this profound revelation, a person's energy moves and starts to transform you. It heals old wounds, dissolves false beliefs and illusions, and shifts you towards your truest way of expressing yourself and living your life.

A spiritual awakening is realized throughout your body, heart, mind, and soul, but no sooner has that erupted than you are forced to see how limited you have been in so many regards. Spiritual awakening can be painful emotionally because we shed away many of the constructs, beliefs, and patterns - inner and outer - that we had surrounded ourselves with, and accumulated over the course of many lifetimes.

People experience spiritual awakenings in many ways. For some, spiritual awakening is a sudden, penetrating moment where they can sense something in their Body, Mind, and behavior & they get clarity about many aspects of one's self. For others, they keep thinking that they are getting wise because of their wisdom & experiences in life.

The Spiritual Awakening

This energy takes over and for a time, a person feels rather out of control and even lost. But the person has found his own self. Instead of saying "Why this happens to me ", you have always the answer to this big "WHY".

This is how your mind starts working in this process. Remember that awakening will affect everything your heart, body, and subtle energy. Be aware that intellectually understanding a spiritual realization during awakening is just the beginning of embodying it. But the question now is: Do you embrace the awakening or Do you resist?

For many people, spiritual awakening brings immense bliss and enjoyment. It's like floating in this other world that you never knew could exist. but gradually You see the reality of life. 

People love to blame things, situations, and other people, and so when something painful comes after awakening, they also blame spiritual awakening for their pain. It was all fun and games until something had to go a little deeper and get more serious. Suddenly, the light switch that went off in your inner world is showing you the leaking sewage in your basement, but you didn't want to see that. So many people avoid this situation.

But we know...If we have a leak in the long the house will survive??

I hope you will find my post insightful in your journey, I am always ready to help with your many questions to your awakening process.


  1. Feel very much connected to it. .. Very nice😄

  2. Nice start..Each word is making sense and somehow expressing reality

    1. I am glad that you have liked my article. Thanks & keep visiting.


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