Interlinked Destiny: The Hidden Power of Human Bonds

Interlinked Destiny: The Hidden Power of Human Bonds Ever wondered how the people you meet and the relationships you form shape your life's path? That's what the idea of "interlinked destiny" is all about. It's a concept suggesting that our lives are connected in ways we might not always see, and these connections can significantly influence our journeys. Let's break it down in a friendly, easy-to-understand way. Recently, I came across an interview with a renowned astrologer whose in-depth insights inspired me to share the fascinating concept of "Interlinked Destiny" with you. Many of us have heard our elders say that certain people bring luck into their lives, along with other similar beliefs. If you find yourself resonating with this idea, you're in for an intriguing read. Let's dive deep into the world of interlinked destinies and explore how our connections shape our paths. 10 Surprising Ways Interlinked Destiny Works in Our Lives We...

10 Steps to Love & Believing in Yourself

“Loving yourself is the greatest revolution.” ~ Unknown

Why loving yourself is considered to be an ultimate revolutionary act? Have you ever thought this for a minute? Though, it sounds like the greatest rebellious act we have in our possession, but it’s very important for a good mental health. It’s always good to embrace, who and what we are and to accept unconditionally every bit of it.

We all live in a society and keep trying to make an influence, but please don’t consume yourself a whole for falling for it. Keep your realization up to feel that you are worthy. You were indeed born exactly right for you. You are awesome and unique for a vision, dream, and a chance. Many of us consider our daily responsibility as a life mission & keep struggling for self-love.

black and red floral happy birthday card

In this guide, I am sharing with you 10 easy steps, which you need to know about how to love yourself and how to believe in yourself again, if you are the one who is also struggling for it.

Step 1: Basic Survey

Just for a minute, look your entire life through an another person's eyes. Carefully observe your interaction with the world and those around you, observe your relationships, actions, and words. Now feel how is your relationship with yourself, because it is the most defining factor in shaping the kind of life you live?  The less self-love in your life, the more confused, angry, and frustrating your reality will be. This is happened because the more you concentrate on other's lives, the less time you will have about your own self. Self-love isn’t easy, because once you become your own biggest critic, you start improving yourself and get hardly time for any other bullshit.

Step 2: The Daily You 

In step two now you think about the people in your life whom, you love and respect. With whom you are kind, patient, and often forgive them when they make a mistake. You always give them space, time, and opportunity to grow and believe in their potential.

Do you give yourself the same treatment? Do you take care of your body, your mind, and your needs? If your answer is "Not Really, then it is a high time to resume you. Loving yourself is not a state of mind but it’s also a series of actions and habits which you need to embed into your everyday life. I agree that this is easier said than done, but the step one will give yourself enough time and space to practice this second technique.

Step 3: Open Your Heart

When we can accept other's flaws and faults, why can't we own? It's called a higher level of self-love. Discover your life story and trace your path from childhood to the person you are now. Try to understand yourself in every way possible, and find out the reason for every negative emotion and act that you now regret. Find the causes and trace your past. Be mindfulness to come out from your emotional cage and start living a new life.

Step 4: Accept the Pain

No one is perfect in this world. Those, who do a daily prayer and praise God also have the anxieties and traumas in their lives. They also have anger, rage and trust issues. It’s OK to feel pain sometimes, but most important is to answer it. We all have a dark side where, we all hold anguish, hatred, and pain. Ignoring these realities eats us up, and cave-in our spiritually and mentally sides. Allow yourself to be honest for what you are. Forgive yourself for your past deeds, and start learn to embrace the life you have right now.

10 Steps to Love & Believing in Yourself

Step 5:  Know your Purpose

This probably you already know that understanding what you want and where you want to go in your life is actually helps you to being happy and finding meaning in the life. You just need to know your motives and goals. Planned actions will help you out to make you focused on where you need to work towards a goal every day. Think for a moment, what were you passionate about as a child or If you had a dream, how could you make it happen? If you want to learn to love yourself, then you need to have a purpose that unlocks that love.

Step 6: Pay Attention to Your Surroundings

This is an important to know that we all are influenced by who we spend most of our time with. Do you know that “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with?” So, if you think that some of people in your life are toxic and have a habit of putting you down, you might want to find some new ones. You need people who, actually like and admire your spirit. Once you have positive and uplifting people in your life, you’ll begin to feel better about yourself as well.

Step 7: Get rid of Toxic Belief

Our beliefs shape our perspective in life. So,if your beliefs aren’t accurate, they could effect you negatively. In a bad time, it’s very common to believe that our life will always be like this, and when things are great, we think it won’t last long. Avoid the judgments, because nothing remains fixed. The truth is, change is the only constant in the universe. Progress can only possible when we step out of our comfort zone. So, don't resist the change. You never know if it leads to somewhere, you never thought were possible.

Step 8: Believe in Credibility

Be a man of your words. Build your own credibility with yourself and try to live with integrity. Try to fulfill your promises and words committed to yourself. Every time you take action and achieve something, it builds confidence in yourself.  Life is a series of taking action, engaging in new experiences and achieving goals. In fact, by setting small goals and achieving them, may makes us feel good. This is why people benefit from to-do lists.

10 Steps to Love & Believing in Yourself

Step 9: Be Grateful 

Being grateful is a powerful attitude that can shape your mindset for the better. According to Psychology, mentally strong people choose to gratitude in exchange of self-pity and excuses. In fact, people who consciously count their blessings in life may have better physical and mental health. One of the easiest ways to practice gratitude is to keep a gratitude journal, where every morning you could write down a few things that you’re grateful for in your life. Bring this in your routine and you’ll be surprised from the results that you are becoming more appreciative day by day.

Step 10: Share Yourself

One of the toughest practices in today's world is sharing. On this path of self-discovery, you may avoid practicing it because of trust issues or fear of being judged. But remember, only after you work to your own personal bumps, you can begin to see the diamonds in the you. Try to give your true self to the world and those around you. Once you learn to love yourself, you should start helping others to find the self-love of their own. By these qualities you achieve self-love, now star helping others to make their lives better.
Loving yourself is indeed an extra effort for your own emotional health but it discovers your own potential. Have faith, that we all are capable of believing in ourselves and living the best life we possibly can have. Never forget that you are worth loving. Let's start giving yourself to the world with all the love and kindness you could ever desire for yourself and make this world a better place to live. Welcome to the revolution!


  1. Amazing article..worth for time.

  2. Nicely written 👌👌

  3. Lovely article... I liked every word of it. Thanks for writing and Sharing... Keep up the good work...

  4. I guess this is by far the most beautiful read from all your blogs. Honestly, I would love to read this piece multiple times until my brain really absorbs every single content of it totally by heart.. This one made my day today..! Gratitude counts for sure and this hour of gratitude belongs to you dear writer.. Thumbs up ��

    1. Please accept my heartfelt thanks Sweta! Every word means a lot to me.


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