Interlinked Destiny: The Hidden Power of Human Bonds

Interlinked Destiny: The Hidden Power of Human Bonds Ever wondered how the people you meet and the relationships you form shape your life's path? That's what the idea of "interlinked destiny" is all about. It's a concept suggesting that our lives are connected in ways we might not always see, and these connections can significantly influence our journeys. Let's break it down in a friendly, easy-to-understand way. Recently, I came across an interview with a renowned astrologer whose in-depth insights inspired me to share the fascinating concept of "Interlinked Destiny" with you. Many of us have heard our elders say that certain people bring luck into their lives, along with other similar beliefs. If you find yourself resonating with this idea, you're in for an intriguing read. Let's dive deep into the world of interlinked destinies and explore how our connections shape our paths. 10 Surprising Ways Interlinked Destiny Works in Our Lives We...

A Prescription for Home Maker

This wonderful article is dedicated to all, who play the role of efficient home-makers. Home-makers have an in-built skill to manage the functioning of entire house. They cook, clean, arrange the daily mess as well as take care of kids, family members and occasionally guests too. 
woman in yellow tank top and blue denim skirt holding broom

Most home-maker always ensure that all desires and wishes of their family members are fulfilled and  for this sometime they start neglect of their personal likes, dislikes as well as their physical and mental health. But the truth is,  unless the care taker of the house is physically and mentally fit, the house cannot function smoothly. So, if everything that you actually do, as a home-maker, you are an equivalent to a manager, why should you stay away from the benefits of time management?
With effective time management, you can save a lot of time which you can utilize completely for yourself. I am also a home maker & often felt grief by seeing around people busy through out the day. Here, I am suggesting 8 easy ways to take some guilt-free practice for yourself. Check the list below:

1) Fixed time slots- Focusing on work is a great excuse for not taking care of yourself. So,set a specific time slots where you won’t work and spend time with your family. Except for the events you must attend, these slots should be like a sacred times for you to spend time with your family and not work. Setting this up, would certainly be a life-changing.

2) An afternoon break- Refresh your mind by taking an afternoon break from your workflow and escaping to another world. Read, Write, Watching movie or  Listen music . It will stimulate the right side of your brain and sparking creative thought. That stimulation can make your day go a little smoother by thinking differently and you will have an abstract way to solving problems and, most importantly, rejuvenating your soul.
woman covering face using wall clock

3) Make time for play- This point is very important for parents, who have a younger children at home & they don't get time for themselves. I would  recommend parents to play & involve children with your activities like dance, meditate, yoga, walking, running etc. These are all exceptional ways to nurture yourself and something like the greatest joy  which you can experience together. 

4) Planing & Priority- Simple tricks like listing down daily work and prioritizing them, planning in advance for the next day and taking house help from other members can make a lot of difference. A few daily jobs, such as cleaning can be done much faster when the family members are out to help you. So, plan them accordingly. Also, dinner can be cooked a few hours in advance so that you can spend some time & enjoy dinner with your family together.

 5) Sticky Notes- when you have too much to do, sticky notes can help you in reminding. Put a sticky note on your mirror with a reminder to workout or stretching in the morning. Also,stick some notes on your fridge to remind you to enroll in some activity which you love. 
silver iPhone 5s beside white notebook

6) Timed Reminders- No matter how much are we busy, we always take out a peek to our cell phone. This is not a problem at all but use it as a tool as well. Set up some recurring alarms throughout your day. Use them as a reminder to pause for a moment, to say a prayer, to go for a walk, or to recenter your awareness in some spirituality. 

7) Go one go- Choose one thing in a week that you must do like doing laundry, vacuuming. Whatever is more important that time. No multitasking, no phone, be present and aware fully  whatever you do, in will speed-up the consuming time.

8) Meditate In Bed- I heard from a lot of people that they get so tired throughout the day that they fall asleep immediately. Have you ever tried to fall asleep meditating? Crawl into bed, close your eyes and meditate or pray, whichever is your practice. You may fall asleep before you finish and that is just fine. Busy people need rest. You may also read a book in the bed which can help you to relax & bring you a sound sleep.
woman lying on green grasses

There are always options to change a monotonous type life,  if we wish to. We should try once before fail. We  may fail over and over again, it is part of being human but let yourself know that every morning is an opportunity to start over. Every evening is an invitation to renewal and change. There is no deadline, and there are no limits on the chances to try again. 

So before you say this to yourself "I cannot do this", make sure you give a try. Because very day is a new start." If you like this article please share it with your loved one because .....Sharing is Caring, we home makers know it the best!


  1. Loved this article..sure going to use this tips��

  2. Very true...Only a healthy and happy person can lead a good family. By following these points we can make our life easy and live harmonious life.

    1. You have correctly understood. Thanks for writing me back.

  3. Very useful ; i would love taking some of the tips.


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