Interlinked Destiny: The Hidden Power of Human Bonds

Interlinked Destiny: The Hidden Power of Human Bonds Ever wondered how the people you meet and the relationships you form shape your life's path? That's what the idea of "interlinked destiny" is all about. It's a concept suggesting that our lives are connected in ways we might not always see, and these connections can significantly influence our journeys. Let's break it down in a friendly, easy-to-understand way. Recently, I came across an interview with a renowned astrologer whose in-depth insights inspired me to share the fascinating concept of "Interlinked Destiny" with you. Many of us have heard our elders say that certain people bring luck into their lives, along with other similar beliefs. If you find yourself resonating with this idea, you're in for an intriguing read. Let's dive deep into the world of interlinked destinies and explore how our connections shape our paths. 10 Surprising Ways Interlinked Destiny Works in Our Lives We...

Food Mood and Soul

Food Mood and Soul

"Every food we eat has a spiritual and energetic effect on the body, mind and on our soul. Becoming aware and working on it consciously makes a solid foundation to our Mind and Spirit".

In almost every culture, food has been playing a special physical and spiritual role, and with that, many rules have been made out. The Jewish tradition forbids eating pork, the Hindus forbid eating beef, and many Native American tribes prohibit eating foods that are not sacred. Conversely, there are spiritual foods that bestow the spiritual power. I believe food is itself a powerful medicine, when it comes to many problems in our body. The remedy always lies in what we take in, and what we leave out. Often, questioning on the choices of food, while craving, there is a small voice within each of us that knows the answer to our questions. 

Food Mood and Soul

The purpose of this article is to let the people know how to pay intuitive attention to what your body needs right now. As you begin to understand the concept of this spiritual nutrition, you will understand what all of these signals means. 

The following list of food shows the connections between food, emotions, and beliefs & can be used as a reference with the Intuitive Eating Awareness. So, The list goes here:
  • Crunchy foods for Anger- Crunchy food help us to cut down anger in a safe way, where we have to deal with the people or circumstances causing us to be angry.
  • Salty foods for Fear- A little high Salt than usual cut down fear from us. We crave salty foods because we want to have more “spice” in our lives but are too scared to take a risk.
  • High-gluten or wheat for Comfort and safety-What’s more comforting than a cinnamon cake piece, mashed potatoes, or a bowl of pasta? Gluten products give us the comfort and safety we need in a non-threatening way
  • Sugar & Spice for Excitement- Sugar & Spice provide excitement for ourselves, if we’re unable to allow someone else to share joy with us, we can use sugar as a substitute playmate.
  • Dairy (Milk, ice cream, yogurt,cheese) for Love- Milk is our first food since we born. It shows actually infancy. Rich, and fatty dairy products represent the unconditional love we receive or were supposed to receive. We crave dairy products and foods when we desire unconditional love and protection and can’t find it in our everyday lives.
Food Mood and Soul

  • Chocolate for sensual beings- Eating chocolate is a safe way to feel sensual when our life lacks romance. It’s also a substitute for the physical love we need but might be too frightened to obtain.
  • Corn for Success- We all want to be feel successful. Eating corn or corn products can bring a sense of professional success, but also cushion us from deep-seated feelings of insecurity and failure.

Food Mood and Soul

  • Alcohol for Acceptance- If you don’t feel accepted for who you really are. Alcohol can provide the illusion of self-acceptance. The sugar in alcohol can serve as a substitute for excitement. The corn in alcohol can show the feelings of failure, and grain alcohol can give us the warm feelings we might lack in our relationships.
  • Fatty foods for Shame- Fatty foods displays our internal shame. They also cocoon us in a bubble of shame whenever we resist to do anything because of a hesitation in our life.

The following food just a list of the common limiting beliefs and an internal messages related to certain foods, spiritual and otherwise. When you review your Intuitive Eating Insights, you may notice what types of foods appear most frequently, as well as in what circumstances. This information may shine a light on your unconscious beliefs that might be active in your subtle energy system and keeping you away from moving deeper into the practices of spiritual nutrition.  So, what food cravings do you have today?  


  1. It really feels nice to have a bite of chocolate every now and then 😉. Now I know the reason why. Good article and happy to know that food satisfies soul too.

    1. Indeed! Now all have a reason for your all cravings!

  2. Very interesting points..i am going to keep an eye on my eating supply now onwards!!��


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