Interlinked Destiny: The Hidden Power of Human Bonds

Interlinked Destiny: The Hidden Power of Human Bonds Ever wondered how the people you meet and the relationships you form shape your life's path? That's what the idea of "interlinked destiny" is all about. It's a concept suggesting that our lives are connected in ways we might not always see, and these connections can significantly influence our journeys. Let's break it down in a friendly, easy-to-understand way. Recently, I came across an interview with a renowned astrologer whose in-depth insights inspired me to share the fascinating concept of "Interlinked Destiny" with you. Many of us have heard our elders say that certain people bring luck into their lives, along with other similar beliefs. If you find yourself resonating with this idea, you're in for an intriguing read. Let's dive deep into the world of interlinked destinies and explore how our connections shape our paths. 10 Surprising Ways Interlinked Destiny Works in Our Lives We...

Pillars of Lasting and Fulfilling Relationships

Pillars of Lasting and Fulfilling Relationships

Being deeply loved by someone empowers you with strength while loving someone deeply instills courage within you. As inherently social beings, humans thrive through connections, and surviving in isolation is a rarity. Every relationship is distinct, offering its own blend of joy and growth. I believe no relationship truly inflicts pain; rather, we either evolve together or gain valuable lessons from it—there’s no real loss.

People form relationships for various reasons, and by understanding a few fundamental principles, you can ensure that your connections remain meaningful, fulfilling, and vibrant—whether it’s a friendship, a romantic bond, or a general association.

The question of whether we should actively nurture relationships that matter to us or simply let them evolve over time is a profound one. Here are some perspectives to consider:

women forming heart gestures during daytime
  • Maintaining a meaningful emotional connection: There is a difference between being loved and feeling loved. When you feel loved by someone, it makes you feel accepted and valued whereas, without truly being emotionally connected, the relationship may seem stable on the surface but serves only distance between two people. So, if you truly care for someone, being emotionally available to them will make a huge difference.
  • Resolve Conflicts: Many relationships suffer when you suppress your feelings. It not only weighs you heavily but starts to worsen the relationship. The key to a strong relationship is not to be fearful of conflict & feel safe to express things, which bother your heart & mind. Also, the use of “I” statements while communicating makes indeed a great difference. For example, instead of saying, “You make me feel bad” try “I feel bad when you do that”.
  • Open & Honest communication: Good communication is a fundamental part of any relationship. When both people have the same goal in the relationship and feel comfortable expressing their needs, fears, and desires, it can increase trust and strengthen the bond between them. When you experience a positive emotional connection with another person, you feel safe and happy, but when people stop communicating properly, they also stop relating well. It leads to stress and it disconnects the relationship. It may sound simplistic, but as long as you are communicating, you can always work through the problems you’re facing.
  • Good Listening: When you listen to another person attentively, it makes that person feel valued and understood. You build a deeper, stronger connection between both of you. There’s a big difference between listening and simply hearing. When you really listen, you can immediately relate to how they’re really feeling and the emotions they’re trying to communicate. Being a good listener doesn’t mean you have to agree with them or change your mind, this is important to resolve many issues in your relationship.
  • Equal Efforts: If you expect to get 100%  in any relationship, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Healthy relationships are built on compromise & equal efforts. The equality in emotion and communication exchange is indeed a key part. However, it takes work on each person’s part to make sure that there is a reasonable exchange.
  • No “Winning” goal: This point directly indicates our "Ego". Sometimes this attitude brings the worst out in us, especially in case put effort or take initiative in communication. For some people, it could be years of accumulated feelings & experiences from past relationships. It’s alright to have strong convictions about something, but not every time you meet the same kind of person. Please try to be respectful towards other's emotions also.
  • Ups and Down: There are ups and downs in every relationship. You won’t always be on the same page. Sometimes you may be struggling with an issue that stresses you, and another time it may be the other person. Different people cope with stress differently and misunderstandings can rapidly turn into frustration and anger. Being responsible and sympathetic towards each other can certainly ease the tough situation.
  • Forgiveness is a Virtue: Life stresses can make us short-tempered. After all, we are human beings & tend to have stress, anger, and frustration. Sometimes it seems easier to vent out on another person. Fighting might initially feel like a release, but it slowly poisons your relationship. So, if you’re willing to ask for forgiveness, it will certainly reward you a forgiveness from others as well.
  • If tempers flare, take a break: Take a few minutes to relieve stress and calm down before you say or do something you’ll regret later. Never forget that you’re arguing with the person you love, with whom you have shared all the good moments. Examine the point at which you began to drift apart,  try to resolve the issues in a pause, and shine up with a new start together. 
  • Be Open to Change: Change is inevitable in life, and it will happen if you go for it or fight for it. Flexibility is essential to adapt the changes in any relationship. Accept the little changes for each other & allow yourself to grow together through thick & thin.
  • Be Mindful to let it go:  It's really tough when you can’t come to an agreement. It takes much effort from both of the sides to resolve an issue. If a relationship is going nowhere even after your best shot, be mindful to accept the truth and move on. 

All relationships in our lives go through ups and downs and need patience and willingness to adapt to the changes. Whether your relationship is just starting or you’ve been together for years, these steps can always help you build a healthy relationship. 

Always remember, that the best relationships of your life always require commitment and effort. If you have an image in your mind of someone while reading this article, means they are still important to you. Identify and fix the problem in your relationship. Life is too short to lose a beautiful relationship & regret it later.

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  1. Well narrated with a very positive writing skill πŸ‘ πŸ‘Œ

  2. This is the need of an hour my dear!! Thank you for this gentle reminder πŸ’œ πŸ‘Œ

  3. Oh Yes! This is now high time to follow the rule to be in this game..We can't take everything in life for granted.πŸ˜€✌️

  4. Very wisely choosen topic. Lovely Articel πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ✌️


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