Interlinked Destiny: The Hidden Power of Human Bonds

Interlinked Destiny: The Hidden Power of Human Bonds Ever wondered how the people you meet and the relationships you form shape your life's path? That's what the idea of "interlinked destiny" is all about. It's a concept suggesting that our lives are connected in ways we might not always see, and these connections can significantly influence our journeys. Let's break it down in a friendly, easy-to-understand way. Recently, I came across an interview with a renowned astrologer whose in-depth insights inspired me to share the fascinating concept of "Interlinked Destiny" with you. Many of us have heard our elders say that certain people bring luck into their lives, along with other similar beliefs. If you find yourself resonating with this idea, you're in for an intriguing read. Let's dive deep into the world of interlinked destinies and explore how our connections shape our paths. 10 Surprising Ways Interlinked Destiny Works in Our Lives We...

Top 10 Powerful Practices for "Letting Go"

"I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become"-  Carl Jung   

What is "Letting Go" ?

There comes a time in our life, where many things around us may have lost its color, we feel struggling to make meaning out of something with a hope. From my this article, I want to make people understand about the importance of this process, that will bring the light back into their lives. 

This process called "Letting Go" that means, you are willing to release the past and future, and start living in the present moment. Sometimes your heart needs to break a little for the light to get in and this process is very important for your emotional health & helps you to get that light back into your life. Letting go doesn’t mean to force yourself to forget what has happened. Instead, letting go is a process of where we learn to surrender our painful beliefs and emotions, and welcoming in better understanding, forgiveness, love and self love.There is no quick and immediate way to let go of all your painful feelings and it takes time and effort.

Top 10 Powerful Practices for "Letting Go"

There are many of practices you may find, which can help you start the process of letting go, but these Top 10 Powerful Practices for "Letting Go" are one of the fastest way which I personally learned of letting go, is questioning and disbelieving thoughts. You may consider it as self-inquiry, It helps to get to the root of your suffering.

I am mentioning here, my own learning of this process, If one of these practices inspires you to try something new, share it with me in the comments!

Powerful Practices for Letting Go Process

1. Unleash your emotions

Find a own space to unleash your emotions. If you are embarrassed to cry, shout, anger, scream or sadness, watch a movie or jump into the pool & release all the emotions, which weighed you heavy and stopping you to move forward.

2. Write a Letter to Yourself

Write down every single detail  about every little thing, be it a person or situation.
Keep writing until you’ve exhausted with your feelings. Don’t hold yourself back on anything. You may also burn this letter, If still left with any anger remained in you. Watching it burns and turns up into the ashes will instantly weigh down your negative feelings.

3. Intense workout 

Any fiery forms of energy can be healthily expressed through an intense workout. So, try some of the intense workout to feel your anger to the fullest. Anger is often the result of not speaking up for ourselves and avoiding all repressing this emotion, so try to learn how to negotiate and be assertive. 

4. Notice how much energy anger burns up

It takes so much energy to hold onto grudges and bitterness. Once you forgive & let go the things, it actually increases your energy and fills you with inner peace. Staying angry at someone hurts you the most. Whenever another person is unkind or cruel, their behavior is secretly a reflection of how they treat themselves, So start practice on letting go of intense emotions.

5. Use natural soothing herbs

Herbs such as holy basil is very effective herbal remedies for anxiety that help to calm down your nervous system.  If you are struggling with extreme muscle tension take it as a medication for a short period of time.

6. Accept What you can't Control

Be kind to yourself and always accept that you did the best you could with the knowledge and maturity you had at the time. However,we can't control our thoughts, but can always choose to be positive and have happy thoughts. It is a very simple practice and from continuity can bring some wonderful results. Remember, you have no control to change any situation or person in your life. So, be kind to understand this fact and stop suffering.

7. Accept the Change

Sometimes we tend to so resistant to the transformation of life. We desperately want everything to stay the same because of comfort and safety. It’s okay to feel that way but accepting the change can also be very liberating. After all, change is what makes life so alive and vibrant. Sometimes a shift in perception is all we need.
Powerful Practices for Letting Go Process

8. Reconnect with your soul

Personally speaking, depression seems a sign of soul loss to me. We believe that what we need lies within our life for a better house, more money, or an upgraded personality but the truth is that we are all searching for an inner home within us. Some simple practices on your inner work connect you to your soul .So, go outside and feel the wind against the sun. Through this short walk, the warmth of nature will pull you out of your head and remind you of the little pleasures of life.

9. Identify your weak points

Pay attentions on your thoughts.What kind of thoughts are dominating your brain? Are you feeling frustrated where a great source of  energy consuming? Like any other concept or idea in life, please understand that surrender takes time. Give yourself space and permit mistakes.

10. The Monkey mind

Everybody hates to being wrong, but do not get of addicted to this feeling. Sometime, we keep trying desperately to prove that we are the victim, and the other side being right all the time. Focus and realize that there is nothing that can be done about past. The healthiest thing for you is to move on and practice letting go.

Please note that Letting go takes time and dedication. It is only our attachment with our thoughts that is a main cause of our suffering. It is always possible that such an experience may give a birth to some good things in your life. So, believe into the process of universe & accept everything happens for a reason. Stop seeing at the close doors and explore the new opportunities, which is yet to come into your life.

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  1. Very informative article and true. I could relate to some points very well myself. Love your post and blog. Keep Writing.

  2. Another super read in favor of mankind... heartfelt thanks from Belgium ����

  3. While I read this article, I was so much connecting to some of my life's instances. This is a superb collage of facts which sometimes we don't readily accept in our life but they are indeed the true essense of life.

    "Remember, you have no control to change any situation or person in your life" was my favorite line in this article between all the other beautiful quoted texts.

    1. Thank you very much for your every single word Sweta. I am glad to know, that you have liked my article. Please accept my gratitude for the appreciation you have written all over!

  4. This is the one which I will come for time to time. It is what everyone needs in the journey πŸ™πŸ˜Š

  5. Great article!! I am surely gonna try one of the solution.. πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ‘πŸ‘


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