The Power of Closure: What 2025 Has in Store

The Power of Closure: What 2025 Has in Store As we transition into 2025, cosmic beings, we embrace the energy of the number nine in numerology, derived from the sum of 2+0+2+5. Symbolizing the conclusion of a cycle, the number nine invites us to reflect, bring closure, and gracefully complete the projects, dreams, relationships, and aspirations we've cultivated over the past nine years.  While it is possible to begin new endeavors during a 9 Universal Year like 2025, this year’s energy is more aligned with endings, closure, and reflection. The true brilliance and potential of fresh beginnings will likely unfold with greater power in the following year. Let's explore what majors 2025 might offer, focusing on growth, resolution, and transformation This year presents a powerful opportunity to detoxify our lives. It is a time to release relationships that no longer support or align with us, leave jobs that fail to fulfill or nourish us and let go of personal habits that hinder or h...

The Importance of Expressing Love

“If love is not seen or felt, it does not exist or serve you” -The Little Prince

This concept apply not only to romantic relationships but also to your friendships, parenting, family relationships, and most importantly our relationship with ourselves.

We all want to feel loved. Though, most of us don't want to admit it, but who doesn't like to hear how much we are loved by our parents, friends, children and from many others, who are important to us in may ways. Their expressions make us feel special, important and immensely happy.

woman on bike reaching for man's hand behind her also on bike

When we consider someone as a part of our life, it means they have begun to play an important role by being with us. In those moments, reciprocation of feelings and actions play an import role. Whereas, there are many people in this world, who believes that certain relationship should have an obvious understanding of love. However, there are also some people, who have a problem in expressing their love in relationships. In this article, I am sharing few keys, which may help you to resolve this problem and  keeping it as a healthy relationship. So, let's jump into:

1) The Small Gestures

This theory often works like a wonder. It strengthens our relationships more than we actually think. The biggest false thinking is, giving a great gift to someone all the time will make them stay in our life forever. There is no magnificent gift, which can give you a guarantee for the future. The best guarantee is a consistency of your affection and care, that other remembers all the time. Don't compromise in showing your small gestures like saying hello, offering a little help or writing a text. These things  always leave a long last effects.

2) Get to Know them Well

Do not forget that each person has their sensitive side and if we want them to feel special, the first thing we must get to know them properly. Once, we know their likes and dislikes and what makes them happy, than only thing left is to prove it. Let them know that you can be a part of their ongoing life and ready to support them. Remembering their favorite chocolate bar, a book, a letter or a simple call can brighten someone’s day.

low-angle photography of two men playing beside two women

3) Share your Time

One of the most valuable thing, we can give to someone is our time. It is very important that you let the other person know that you want to spend your time with them. Although, it may be a little difficult for reasons such as distance. However, you may always connect with them virtually. It is an another way to show them your love and affection.

4) Never take them for granted

It seems quite obvious, but in many circumstances we forget that those who love us also need our affection back. When a relationship is deprived then other person feel abandoned, and soon the all doubts and fears arise which, could be a fatal thing for a relationship. Taking anybody for granted is a mistake. Sometime the table turns around the way, we never thought of.

two men hugging each other inside bar

"Showing your love someone makes them feel more willing to continue loving you."- Ovedia Rosales, A therapist

5) Accept their way being

Human being has an in-built function called Gut feeling. Listen to it before perusing deep into any relationship. Some people love to be alone and avoid any kind of social connection. However, there could be any reason for this like past relationship pattern or their own personal preferences. If you ever come across with any relationship like this, Listen to your gut and take actions accordingly.

Remember, it's always important to let people know that you love them, simultaneously, you also have the same right to feel in this way. Equality in every relationship is vital, if you want to build a happy, strong and long-lasting relationship.


  1. A good brings you close and fill up the differences.

  2. Very interesting read, loved it. Thanks.

  3. Very nice :)

  4. Healthy relationships these days are difficult to find, but once you find them..I believe one should never take it for granted and never let it go.. Very well written...Keep writing!✌️

  5. Thanks a lot Sweta. I appreciate the way you think. I hope the message of this article may reach to the hearts.


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