The Hidden Spiritual Influences in Your Lifestyle

The Hidden Spiritual Influences in Your Lifestyle We all make a list of new goals and plans. Sometimes we also alter our lifestyle to achieve it. The choices, that lead further toward a complete new Lifestyle. It can be better or good according to one's personal thinking. Have you ever wondered that the choices, you make, could also increase your good or bad spiritual consequences? Well, if not yet, then let's dig into it.   Your choices regarding eating, drinking, and following relationship patterns influence your aura because these choices gravitate toward all kinds of positive and negative energies. Spiritual practitioners claim that all kinds of high and low frequencies already exist within and around all of us and impact our health, age, and many other factors. Our all physical actions influence our spiritual being by attracting attention from light or darkness. Here are the top 5 lifestyle choices that impact our spiritual being and you should immediately take control of

Top 5 Immunity Booster Food during Quarantine \ Lock-down

We all know that the whole world is going through a tough phase. Many medical researches have shown that by developing a strong immune system, can diminish the risk of COVID-19 infection. A strong immunity plays an essential role in preventing us during this quarantine period. In this Article, I 'll cover the top immunity booster foods  which are easily available & help your body stay strong to fight off infections.

These listed foods are also Super Anti-Viral Food which can boost your defenses mechanism against viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens So, The list goes on here:

1) Green to Rescue: Broccoli & Spinach is a nutrient powerhouse for your immune system. One cup of broccoli has an equal effect of vitamin C as an orange. The nutrients in spinach boost immune function for cell division and DNA repair. Both vegetable are high in beta-carotene, potassium, magnesium, zinc, many vitamins and iron.

broccoli vegetable

2) Go for Garlic & Ginger: People have praised Garlic for ages for its immune boosting properties. It has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties. Each garlic bulbs have  antioxidants & antiviral properties , which may helpful in reducing the severity of colds, flu or COVID-19 infections and its a good source for a better immune system to fight with viruses and cancer.

Ginger root have a potent anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties & works on our metabolic processes to fight with the infections and toxins.

 bunch on ginger on tray

3) More Mushrooms Please: Button mushrooms are high in selenium and B vitamins. These minerals and vitamins have full of  anti- viral properties  which are very much important for an immune system to work perfectly in our body. Mushrooms are also high in polysaccharides, sugar-like molecules that boost immune function very fast.

selective focus photograph of mushroom

4) Go for Dairy Health: Daily consumption of 3 servings of dairy products per day of low-fat yogurt provides 11 grams of protein and almost 400 mg of calcium. Yogurt can also  a great source of  vitamin B12, vitamin D. Vitamin D is an other nutrients  that are necessary for robust immune function. It boost our immune function and help to reduce the length and severity of colds.

baked pastry

5) Add the Red: Pomegranate & Red berries have antiviral properties against the flu and other viruses. They both promote the growth of beneficial gut flora that boosts the immune system. Red berries reduce blood levels & help us getting a good Oxygen in the body which is also very good for any respiratory conditions.

red fruit on red table

Apart from all these super food, Watermelon, Wheat Gram, Green Tea, Sweet Potatoes,Oranges & kiwi are highly recommended to boost your immunity & your defense system against  the all virus. Another hand, by following all other hygiene routine can naturally lower the rate of any infection always. So, create and stick to a nutritious diet that is good for your mind and for your body.


  1. Very nicely written and useful for improvement of immunity during Corona and lockdown times

    1. Thank you very much. I am really glad to know that you liked it.

  2. Very much needed in these times ๐Ÿ‘Œ

    1. Indeed๐ŸŒ... thanks for sparing your time to read it.๐Ÿ‘

  3. Super article.. ��

  4. Thanks for sharing the list. Will include some in my plate :-)


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