Interlinked Destiny: The Hidden Power of Human Bonds

Interlinked Destiny: The Hidden Power of Human Bonds Ever wondered how the people you meet and the relationships you form shape your life's path? That's what the idea of "interlinked destiny" is all about. It's a concept suggesting that our lives are connected in ways we might not always see, and these connections can significantly influence our journeys. Let's break it down in a friendly, easy-to-understand way. Recently, I came across an interview with a renowned astrologer whose in-depth insights inspired me to share the fascinating concept of "Interlinked Destiny" with you. Many of us have heard our elders say that certain people bring luck into their lives, along with other similar beliefs. If you find yourself resonating with this idea, you're in for an intriguing read. Let's dive deep into the world of interlinked destinies and explore how our connections shape our paths. 10 Surprising Ways Interlinked Destiny Works in Our Lives We...

Major effects of the Eight Moon Phases on Our Life

Major effects of the Eight Moon Phases on Our Life

From many years, the moon energy cycles have been effecting us. In many religion practices of the world people believe that the movement of the moon effects people in both physically, mentally and spiritually. Because it goes through several phases and reappears  new each time, it also associated with death, life and rebirth. The power of the moon can give a boost of energy for healing, achievement and it also have an effect on soulmate and twin flame relationships.

The moon is also considered to help women better than men because it has a significant effect on women’s cycles, fertility and emotions and it also enhance the intuitive abilities of spiritual people in many areas. Greek philosopher Aristotle and Roman historian Pliny the Elder believed that because our brain was a “moist” organ, our minds were influenced by the pull of the moon in the same way the tides are.The moon has different energies during its cycle, from the new moon to the complete full moon. Moon has 8 cycles which creates a process of  any wish & goal fulfillment. With each phase, it has a duration of approx 28.5 days.

Eight Moon Phases that effects Our Life
I am sharing here some facts from the studies, which may be good to know for you at the next Moon cycle.

The Moon Energies and it's Rituals

1) New Moon:  The new moon represents a new beginning. In history, people used to take time away from others during this time. They used to considered this time to retreat themselves. You may find yourself feeling anti-social and introverted for no reason this time.

You should be using this time for an intense reboot. Try to recharge yourself under the energy of this new moon. Mentally throw all unwanted thoughts and excess junk into the trash. Unplug yourself and give much needed alone time. Don’t feel bad for canceling plans or not available for call, text, or be around anyone. Turning off is the best way to make the most of a new moon as it surrounded by the new beginnings, fresh starts, and clean slates.

2) Crescent Moon: The waxing moon represents intention, hopes, and wishes. After recharging under the new moon, your intentions and desires are ready to be planted. This is when you should be developing your intentions, plan goals, sending prayers to the universe, and laying the mental groundwork for your next project.

Eight Moon Phases that effects Our Life

3) First Quarter Moon: Because the first quarter moon occurs a week after the new moon, this is when we start to feel some resistance in the form of obstacles. If your intentions were planted during the new moon, you may expect your first hurdles at achieving these goals here. Be prepared to make decisions on the spot, and do not lose your cool when things come at you out of nowhere. The best way to handle this moon is to be flexible. Keep the intention you set during the last new moon in your mind the entire time, and make decisions that will ultimately bring about the outcome of your previously set intentions. This cycle of moon is represents challenges, decisions, and action.

4) Waxing Gibbous Moon: The themes surrounding this moon are adjustment, refining, and editing. Things don’t always work out the way we planned them to and this phase of the moon will help you realize what you need to reevaluate, give up, or change direction on. If you want to reap the benefits of the full moon, you need to change the course. Don’t resist the feeling of change during this moon.

 5) Waning Gibbous Moon: Because the sun and the moon are on opposite sides of the Earth at this point, they are also in opposite in zodiac signs. This brings heightened tension as we fight to find balance between two extremes. Emotions can run high during this period, and it’s important not to get overly emotional or attached to anything during this phase. You may see the benefits in the form of new opportunities or even as results from the hard work done the previous. Make sure you’re prepared and open to receiving these.

Eight Moon Phases that effects Our Life

6) Last Quarter Moon: The themes surrounding this moon are release, letting go, and forgiveness. Like the moon gradually decreasing in size, you have to be ready to let go the stuff from your life. if throughout the month you’ve been hurt, broken, or angered in many ways, under this moon that you can let go of all grudges and release all anger. You must purge yourself to be able to receive the new intentions you will set again during the next new moon. A great practice during this moon is a cleanse. be it your apartment, your closet, your relationships. Look at anything that's no longer serving you and get rid of it. Pay attention to the unnecessary emotional and physical clutter . To shed this unnecessary emotional weight, participate in a hobby class or any type of physical activity.

7) Waning Crescent Moon: The fraction of the moon is illuminated and decreasing on its way to becoming a new moon. You may feel empty during this time. You’ve gone through an entire moon cycle and things have come and gone, willingly or not. You are now getting ready to prepare for a new cycle. Right now just relax and surrender to the universe. Some things will always be out of your control and fate must take its course.

The Next Super Moon will be on Friday, June 5, 2020. From the spiritual prospects, a full moon is powerful time for meditation, energy healing and recharging human chakras.

Energy healing during this potent time can bring mind-blowing results. The unbeatable illumination of the super moon provides not only the health benefits, but on the soul level lightens up the vision of a subconscious mind. Its the best time to be in tune with your emotions, goals and paths for a successful and happy life. So, take out sometime and get feel this super moon energy and enjoy this last super moon of the year.


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  1. Very well said..The full moon always brings a day full of hope and an energetic day. Purnima means light /success to Amavasya means darkness/failure or vice versa both explain and reflect the cycle or phases of life...


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