Interlinked Destiny: The Hidden Power of Human Bonds

Interlinked Destiny: The Hidden Power of Human Bonds Ever wondered how the people you meet and the relationships you form shape your life's path? That's what the idea of "interlinked destiny" is all about. It's a concept suggesting that our lives are connected in ways we might not always see, and these connections can significantly influence our journeys. Let's break it down in a friendly, easy-to-understand way. Recently, I came across an interview with a renowned astrologer whose in-depth insights inspired me to share the fascinating concept of "Interlinked Destiny" with you. Many of us have heard our elders say that certain people bring luck into their lives, along with other similar beliefs. If you find yourself resonating with this idea, you're in for an intriguing read. Let's dive deep into the world of interlinked destinies and explore how our connections shape our paths. 10 Surprising Ways Interlinked Destiny Works in Our Lives We...

When Friends Become Strangers

Someone well said-"Strangers can become best friends just as easily as the best friends can become strangers." 

We all have a list of friends and close people in our life, with whom we laugh hard, make memories and share our joy and sorrow. 

But do you also have some people with whom, Once you were friends and now they are nothing more than strangers? Maybe you don’t know exactly what happened between you but things drifted slowly and now it just don’t seem to work anymore.  But why does it happen? 

The truth is, if you don't have a clear cut answer to this why, it’s probably your paths have been changed and you simply didn’t connect in the same way as earlier you used to be. It doesn't mean that you can’t connect again but more it’s about that its not serving you both into your journey, and that's why you are not that close anymore. In worldly language, you can say that your aspects and goals have become different. What one wants, other sees that as an irrelevant and from here, the vibrations completely drifts away.

I believe that is completely okay. There is nothing wrong with having amazing and different people in your life, who are going into different directions. We have to respect each other's choice and journey. We cannot judge one other for the choices, that they make, just because we feel inspired by something else. 

But when you are too close with someone, without whom you can't picture yourself, then it becomes little difficult to part our ways out. The truth is, keeping the pain inside and thinking about the past memories won't help either. The more pain you keep holding on, the worst you would be in your mental health and start having the trust issues with the people you further meet in your life. 

Many of times, a heart overwhelmed with the thoughts, if we could avoid this kind of situations or if it was a little easy to overcome from this situation after this slow pain. Certainly there are some practices, which might help you in both scenario. You may apply it as a healing tips or take them as a prevention tips. 

1) As I always say, everything is energy and every person has own vibrations. Their thoughts, emotions, aspect and mindset create these vibrations in which they are into. Before making a stranger friend  you always get the vibration on your chemistry, sometimes it takes little longer but your instinct always tell you this. 

Some people ignore it because they think we all are connected to a need and as there is no need, no relation. But relationship develops with the time and so are the emotions. When you connect with someone, no matter with any goal, you tend to invest into. So as a prevention, Believe in yourself and choose the same vibrational people, whom you can create a relation not connection. This point may certainly save you from unnecessary drama in your life and you will use your time and efforts in making your life better.

2) Sometime you know what you have done something and it’s somehow your fault. Maybe you didn’t reach out enough or maybe you have taken a relationship for granted. These are the types of “splits” where we ask ourselves: “Are we simply not friends because we are unable to move from a disagreement or understood someone false?” Remember, when we resolve an issue, we learn, we grow and the most important, we create a legacy into our relationship. Learn to admit when you are wrong won't make you less than in any relationship, but it will only strengthen your bond.

3) We all know that communication is the key of a relationship. Most of the relationship dies because of silence. On any situation, where we drift away from each other, we usually choose silence over the communication. We spend so much time holding grudges and holding onto toxic feelings and judgments. Deep down, we all want to have these people back into our lives but at some point, we simply don’t know how to make it happen anymore. Either we are too scared to be the one to call them first or we just don’t even know what to say. Take an action. Write them, talk openly or choose any possible way to communicate your feelings to the people who are important to you. Don't let your silence play a culprits into your relation. We earn good people very seldom, don't loose them over a misunderstanding or ego.

4) Over giving and high expectations can cause an instant downfall into the relationship. We are tend to spend too much time, show too much love and put too much efforts for the people we like and love. There is nothing wrong in it ,but the expectation on  the return of your feelings or efforts in the same way, can bring a disappointment. Remember, that expression is an individual choice and accept that sometimes it goes on priority too. Relationship develops with the course of time and it completely depends on someone's choice too. Do not overrate anybody's expressions and priority for you. Instead try to balance your own efforts  into the relationship. Once you get to know other's mindset and your priority in their life, things will be more easier to manage.

5) Every exit is a new entry somewhere. We are capable of change and we can go through changes very quickly. Don't feel disheartened, if somebody parts their way , because of your choices. An unbalanced vibrations will only drain our energy and give life to your relationship. So, if you find out that after putting all the efforts in a certain relationship, you are still don't connect with each other on the same level then consider it as a demand of time and move on from this situation. You can always again connect, once come into the same vibrations. So, embrace the change and let it go.

Don’t be afraid to explore yourself and be alone. As soon as you let this situation go, you will automatically attract and connect with same vibrational people like you. Accept the change and move on!

In today's world many people encountering this situation continuously in their relationship. It has became a viral like this pandemic situation these and effecting one to another with this problem. Hope this article help you somewhere in your life. If you know somebody, who need to understand this at this moment, please don't hesitate to share it further. This is also a  great way to help each other out!


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  1. Very Insightful! Keep Writing.

  2. So true! very less people have a courage to accept and say this. Thanks for this powerful read.


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