Interlinked Destiny: The Hidden Power of Human Bonds

Interlinked Destiny: The Hidden Power of Human Bonds Ever wondered how the people you meet and the relationships you form shape your life's path? That's what the idea of "interlinked destiny" is all about. It's a concept suggesting that our lives are connected in ways we might not always see, and these connections can significantly influence our journeys. Let's break it down in a friendly, easy-to-understand way. Recently, I came across an interview with a renowned astrologer whose in-depth insights inspired me to share the fascinating concept of "Interlinked Destiny" with you. Many of us have heard our elders say that certain people bring luck into their lives, along with other similar beliefs. If you find yourself resonating with this idea, you're in for an intriguing read. Let's dive deep into the world of interlinked destinies and explore how our connections shape our paths. 10 Surprising Ways Interlinked Destiny Works in Our Lives We...

9 Signs You Are An Old Soul

9 Signs You Are An Old Soul

Have you ever wondered to your existence?  Human mind is very curious and it keep dwelling itself for the answers. As we all know everything around us is energy, which never dies and transforms back and forth endlessly. It keeps taking many shapes and occupying different spaces. 

9 Signs You Are An Old Soul

Yes, here we are talking about the reincarnation, the most debatable topics on spirituality forum which means “To come into the existence again.” Many religions believe that after finishing a certain life cycle, the soul moves to an another life form.

Well, we really are not sure what happens after our life but many theories and incidents make us believe that we have lived here before. If you are also one of them who believe and have ever wondered whether you have had more than one existence in this universe, some of these most common signs may help you to find the answer on your existence.


An old soul have a high level of sensitivity and empathy and often pushed towards their mission to bring peace and healing to the planet. They usually don´t fit in and have a very hard time with other turbulent energies of this world. These soul avoid crowded and noisy places, and love to spend time in nature or some self improvement activities.


A great feast for an old soul are meaningful conversations and real connections. They could engage in for hours into a meaningful conversations, possibly about the universe, science, history, philosophy, art, nature, or something of the sort.  A conversations about gossip, jobs, fashion, or anything else may be very superficial for them.


People who have many lives here before on earth often have a great ability to know things before they happen. Intuitive souls may feel connected to other dimensions and worlds, and have the ability to understand  the unspoken words and wisdom through the universe, animals and people.


If you consider yourself an old soul, you might have memories of certain country or culture from your past life. You might have a wandering soul, and till you realize that isn’t  your home , you might ready to explore the whole world on this Earth.

However, you might feel drawn to a particular location or culture, possibly because you lived there in a past life. Don’t kill your heart to explore a new place or culture; you might take away valuable lessons about yourself and your soul mission.


Reincarnation brings past memories back. Sometime you may feel  to become a part of certain place or  event, have happened to you before or the country you visited before even though you haven’t.  This may be an indication that you have lived here at one point in time in another body. Certain people, places, or events may seem oddly familiar to you, even if you can’t remember seeing or meeting them before.

9 Signs You Are An Old Soul


Many of old souls have some fears  and some traumas, which may have happened in their previous incarnation. For example, a fear of water, uncertain death, fire or suffocation might mean that they have experienced these fears in a past life too. In order to overcome from these fears and prevent your soul from these anxieties, one should try to face them. Otherwise, the soul will keep reincarnating on this planet until you learn certain lessons and overcome your fears.


We all feel frustration and imbalance at times by the fast pace and superficial world we live into, and many times it leads us towards the way to find the true meaning of life . But an old souls understand this a little quicker than an average old soul. They start escaping from the artificiality much before and get lost in nature or themselves. They crave solitude and avoid people, drama and technology to heal their mind and soul.


You can’t escape from the feeling that triggers your memories as an old soul. It might come to you in your dreams, through a song on the radio, a line in a book, or some other mysterious way.You keep pulling back towards to these place or people from your last lifetime but once you just know they happened, you wish to uncover more about your past lives. Many young children can usually recall their previous existences because they have just come from a past incarnation and the memories are very fresh.

9 Signs You Are An Old Soul


Though, a reincarnated soul feel earth as their home but they still thrives for the reasons to come back. Just living their daily lives is not sufficient for them. They have a strong desire to know their purpose on earth. You may wonder to find them alone just laying under the stars, contemplating life and avoiding things that don’t have meaning to them. 

The souls who reincarnated, have always a deep longing to connect with their soul family for some unfinished business, leanings or reunion and seriously have a hard time fitting in with other than their soul families. Well, its completely a matter of our belief what one can understand from the relative information. If you have found some traits in your personality from the above, than you might be an old soul, who came here on a soul mission which may bring peace and harmony into this world. 
