Interlinked Destiny: The Hidden Power of Human Bonds

Interlinked Destiny: The Hidden Power of Human Bonds Ever wondered how the people you meet and the relationships you form shape your life's path? That's what the idea of "interlinked destiny" is all about. It's a concept suggesting that our lives are connected in ways we might not always see, and these connections can significantly influence our journeys. Let's break it down in a friendly, easy-to-understand way. Recently, I came across an interview with a renowned astrologer whose in-depth insights inspired me to share the fascinating concept of "Interlinked Destiny" with you. Many of us have heard our elders say that certain people bring luck into their lives, along with other similar beliefs. If you find yourself resonating with this idea, you're in for an intriguing read. Let's dive deep into the world of interlinked destinies and explore how our connections shape our paths. 10 Surprising Ways Interlinked Destiny Works in Our Lives We...

No Grit No Pearl

                  No Grit No Pearl

Many must have heard and known this saying, especially those who turned the Grit into the Pearls in their own lives. Well at a certain point in life, we all have done it but what encourages me today to write about this after a Pause is the situation of today's World.

No Grit No Pearl

We all know the last few years have been tough for the whole world. People lost careers lives, and many more. Whereas, some of the strong souls have turned the table around and become game-changers. Before I pick my pen for more, wishing you all a wonderful and miraculous 2022! And how you can make most of it through a magical number, that would revealed to you in my next article.

In this article, I am going to talk about how you can turn the tables from pain to gain, especially if you get to hit by some dead stone in your life.

Every time we go through any hardship or suffering in our life we break apart. We start questioning our existence, God, or people in our lives.

Remember, in Universe, there is no system of keeping the table empty. The things keep getting replaced and evolved for your betterment. Every time you shed a tear,  you should know that you are going through a healing stage and you will become stronger than ever.

Because that's how the Process of Evolving works!

Everyone has his own journey and belief. Here I am sharing a few very niches techniques that helped me through some rough patches and I am sure, it may help you out also if you desire to overcome the situation and ease your healing stage.

1. Divine Plan: Every soul has a divine plan on this earth. Meeting with different people, healing through many stages, and realizing who you are and why you came on this journey is a part of God's divine plan. In the moment of suffering very first thing to do should trust in the divine plan of God. Remember, everything happens for a reason.

2. Surrender: We humans love control. Not only in our lives, but in others also, and it brings suffering and sorrow sometimes. one must surrender in the moment of suffering. Because what may look control to you could be the consideration from others and we should never forget it. Surrender yourself into supreme power and believe that he will take you through.

3. Feel your feelings: Our emotions are a great communicator to us. Instead of suppressing or avoiding, try to feel, go through the pain and heal. Remember, when you feel, you heal.

4. Observe the past pattern: Observe carefully, what are the recurring events, which bring you in the same situation and pain. Change your action. Increase your efforts to heal and break the pattern out.

No Grit No Pearl

5. Self-care: This is one of the most important actions, which can change the whole game. Prioritize your self-care and evolve the process of healing. Give yourself that love and time which you give to others or expect from others. Never forget, you are enough for yourself!

6. Limit the toxicity: In this modern world, our soul can easily toxic from thoughts, people, or the things available on social media. In the process of healing, limit your use to get access to it. Find a new hobby, learning, or goal which challenges you. Let's not get access yourself to anything which makes your vibration low.

7. Seek Help: Last but not least ask for help. If you are going through a rough patch, don't shut yourself out and dring the portion alone. If you have anybody in your life whom you can share and seek help from, please reach out.

As we all know to witness the rainbow, you must endure the Sun and Rain both. In process of healing, never forget that you are not alone. God has a divine plan for everyone. You are already at the place, where you need to be and every hardship and experience is a part of his divine plan for you!

Hope I could help you somewhere in your journey. So, as you hit to my article and read it, believe it’s a part of your divine plan. Turn the grit into the pearl and wear a Necklace!

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